Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Last Day in Jordan

Mt. Nero is on the East Bank plateau and is where Moses is said to have seen hype promised land.  An impressive mosaic floor is said to be a part of the new church being built.  We weren't able to go into the church.  The mosaic floor depicts, hunting and herding scenes, and African animals.

Where Moses hit the rock and water sprang forth.  (The dark green area.)

Mosaic floor

From the lookout, the views across the valleys to the Dead Sea, Jericho, the Jordan Valley and the spires of Jerusalem .  Our view wasn't as spectacular because of the dreary day but still very impressive.

Madaba is best known for its collection of mosaics.  The most famous site in Madaba is the Greek Orthodox St. George's Church with the Mosaic Map from the 19th century.  This map represents the oldest map of Palestine in existence and provides many insights into the region.  The mosaic depicts all the major biblical sites of the Middle East from Egypt to Palestine.  It was originally 15m to 25m long and 6m wide containing more than 2 million pieces.

St. George's Church

The Mosaic Map

Jesus done in mosaics

The top picture is painted and the bottom picture is done in mosaics.

One third of Madaba's population is Christian , the other two thirds Muslim, making it one of the largest Christian communities in Jordan.

Amman has a population of approx. 4 million people and is a very modern Arab city.  There are historic sites from the city that was once called Philadelphia:  the 6000 seat Theatre, Odeon, and the Citadel which are all of Roman architecture.

The Roman Theatre was cut into the side of a hill that served as a necropolis and held 6000 people.

The Citadel sits up on Amman's highest hill, Jebel-al-Qala.  This complex includes ruins of an Umayyard palace, a Byzantine Basillica, pillars of the Temple of Hercules.

Temple of Hercules 

The stadium

Byzantine Basillica 

Umayyard Palace 

The walls inside the palace.

The Israel tour is over.  It has been a great 2 weeks following in Jesus's footsteps, hearing so much information, seeing the sights and meeting new people.  Awesome trip!

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