Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Shanghai City Tour

The Huagpu River Cruise had amazing views of the Bund, Pudong and riverfront activities.

The Bund area is the tourist centre of Shanghai and is the city's most famous mile.  In the past, the Bundwas the city's Wall Street, a place for trading and fortunes made or lost.  The Bund was gradually transformed into grand and powerful banks and trading houses.  Here you simply stroll along contrasting the past with the future of Pudong's skyline.  Very impressive architecture.

Looking across the Huangpu River on the Bund.

The French Concession is the most graceful part of the city.  Here you see Shanghai's old residential buildings and Art Deco apartment blocks, hotels and edifices preserved here, while the commercial part of Huaihai Road is full of shoppers.

Shanghai Museum has one of the most impressive collections in the land.  There are 4 floors of ancient Chinese art.  There are 1 million pieces of are and nearly 130,000 pieces of national treasures.  The 21 categories covered are bronzes, ceramics, calligraphy, paintings, jade and ivory works, bamboo and lacquer wares, oracle bones, seals, coins and artifacts of the ethnic minorities.  Very impressive museum.

Nanjing Road is linked to the Bund and People's Square.  Here is where the 1st department stores in China opened in the 1920's.  This is no longer the cream of Shanghai's shopping but the pedestrian strip remains one of the most famous and crowed streets in China.  Here you will find the fake watch sellers, clinging purveyors of "masagree" and English - speaking girls who encourage you to spend a king's ransome on cups of tea.  A small tourist train rolls from one end to the other on the pedestrian street.

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