We continued on to Pattaya to the Floating Market. This market is built over a water source so you could walk along the boardwalk or take a water taxi (wooden boat) to the vendors and shops. The water was very dirty so you didn't want to get too close to the edge as there wasn't any railing. We did see a tourist find this out the hard way...YUCK...can't imagine what that would have been like. We took in a Thai Show and walked around a little more but there were so many people there that day that we didn't spend a lot of time there. We left there for the sunset over the Gulf at Pattaya Beach. I can never get enough of those beautiful sights. Then off to Walking Street where we had supper sitting over looking the harbour. After supper we took in the sights along the street. You can use your imagination for the sights we saw as Pattaya is known as 'Sin City of Asia'. Walking through here with Howard, laughing and joking, reminded us of back in the day some 30 odd years ago. Found out our friendship was still the same even though we lost contact with each other. So glad to have reknewed this friendship Howard 'the Meeker'.
Next, he thought we should take in a Tiffany Show. This is a Broadway Show with the stars of the show being Ladyboys. It was very hard to distinguish male from female as these Ladyboys can really fool you with their looks and gestures??? Very spectacular performance as this shop was top notch. Check it out if in Thailand.
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