Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Philippines 2016

Time is running along, we've been here now for 10 days so thought we should start logging some of our experiences.  We are on the island of Panglao at Panglao Palms, believe me pictures don't always tell everything.  We are not right on the beach as we had thought, we are about 300 m down the road from a very small beach that you really can't walk.  Somewhat disappointing for us as we love to walk the beach in the morning.  The beach has a lot of coral and seaweed with fishing boats docking in there. 

A very long dock at our beach.  Nice to sit and watch the sunset.

Our small beach.

Beautiful pool at Panglao Palms.  We are really enjoying it to cool off in the morning or in the afternoon with a San Miguel.  Around 30 everyday.

Fred having breakfast our 1st morning.  Breakfasts haven't changed yet...eggies and toast.  Thought we'd be getting an abundance of fruit but it doesn't seem to be readily available...only seems to be bananas, pomelo, coconuts, some mango.  We really miss that.  There are a lot of bakeries so we are enjoying their sweets.

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