Sunday, 11 January 2015


It's almost been a week since we arrived in Coronado.  We are finding there isn't a lot to do right in Coronado so there has been a lot of R& R time.  We are hoping to do some day trips in the next weeks.  We really enjoy our early morning walks on the beach.  It seems like it is our own private beach as we don't meet many people on our way.

Our beach when the tide was up.

Beach at San Carlos.  We took a drive to check out the beaches around us one day.  All the beaches are so close together it's hard to tell where one begins or ends.  They all seem to have the black volcanic sand, some like our beach, with more black sand, than others.

We are also really enjoying all the fresh fruit we are able to buy from the local fruit stands, 5 small pineapples for $2.00 US, watermelon for $3.00 US, papaya $2.00 US.  Our very nice neighbour, Nathalie, brought us over 3 mangoes from her tree in her yard.  They were so very sweet and delicious.  

One already gone.  Yum so good!

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