Friday, 6 February 2015

Cerro Punta & Guadalupe

Bambino was our first stop today.  What a hidden gem!  Hotel Bambito is a 4-star accommodation with unbelieveable manicured grounds.

Across the road is Truchas de Bambito rainbow trout farm, where thousands of trout are raised in outdoor ponds in the cold water from the nearby river.  You can catch your own fish there and take them back to the hotel and they will prepare them for you.

Continuing on through the rich agricultural lands we saw many fields where they grow vegetables.  The views were spectacular through the valley.  In the town of Cerro Punta there were a lot of stands selling the vegetables along with huge bag fulls of carrots, potatoes, onions and cabbage.

Carrying on down the road the valley narrows and we start to see the the agriculture climbing up the steep slopes in Guadalupe.  It was very amazing to see people working on these steep slopes.  Some crops were being planted and some were being harvested.  We really need to appreciate where our vegetables come from and how hard someone has to work in order for us to enjoy them.  Guadalupe is full of flowers.  As we passed by people's yards they were filled with beautiful flowers.  The yards and fincas (farms) are very meticulously tended.

Workers picking onions.

The steep slopes being farmed.

Workers picking up potatoes so the fields can be prepared for planting again.

Workers being picked up and moved to another plot to begin there next task.  All the men carried a hoe.  And yes it was a very misty day, so rubber boots and raincoats were a must today.

Finca where they raise racehorses.

A lot of grass for the horses to eat.  Very well fed and good looking horses.

On our way home we stopped at a bridge to see the waterfall.

Great drive through this agricultural region.  Incredible how these people are able to utilize every bit of land to produce such vegetable crops.  Not a lot of machines doing the work, very intense manual labor.  We wonder how long people will want to carry on doing this?

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