Sunday, 8 February 2015

Playa Barqueta

What better thing to do then head to the beach on a Sunday!  It was good to head out of the rainforest area to get some heat and sun.  Well, we got the heat but it was overcast today so no sun.  We drove through sugar cane and rice fields to get to the playa on the Golfo De Chiriqui.  The farmers were harvesting some of the sugar cane and truck loads of the cane were heading down the highway to the processing plant.

Papaya trees

Playa Barqueta is a beautiful long beach.  It's a good beach for surfing and body surfing.  There is a huge new resort, Las Olas Resort, and a lot of huge beach homes stretching out along the shoreline in both directions of the resort.  It was great to takie a long walk on the beach.  Good thing the sun wasn't shining as there weren't  a lot of Palm trees to seek shelter.  Great day on the beach.

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