Thursday, 12 February 2015

Crossing the Isthmus heading to the Carribean

Tuesday morning we left the interior heading for the Carribean to a place called Bocas del Toro.  The drive to the top of the Isthmus and back down to the Carribean was incredible.  The drive was through the mountains took about 4 hours to go 160 km.  Yes it was slow but the sights along the way of the deep valleys, rivers, and waterfalls was beautiful.  This road took us through a National Forrest area.

One of the waterfalls at the side of the road heading across the Isthmus.

Once we were over the Isthmus we saw glimpses of the Carribean and endless banana trees.  We also noticed the homes were more 3rd world than we have seen so far in Panama.

A glimpse of the Carribean.

Getting closer to Almirante, a port town, where we needed to catch the ferry to Bocas.

We finally made it to Almirante and as we entered the hustling began.  There were men on bikes wanting to get you to the ferry, park the car and recommending hotels (when there were only 2 in town).  We knew we had missed the ferry as it only goes to Bocas at 8:00 am, but we wanted to find where we needed to be the next morning and at what time.  Found that out, now was the big decision for on which hotel.  Seeing it was my birthday, Fred decided to go all out and get the $25.00 one at the Hotel 888 instead of the $24.00 one.  Well it wasn't the Ritz but it was clean.  

The next morning, don't ask Fred what kind of sleep it was but then he doesn't sleep well anyway,  we were up early and heading to the ferry by 6:00am.  We got in line with all the trucks hoping we were in the right line and as it turned out we were and before we knew it we were loaded and on our way to Bocas.  We arrived in Bocas Town on Isla Colon, the island is 61 sq km, to find it was a bustling little place.  There were people, locals and tourists, everywhere, shops, restaurants, bars, you name it, quite a change for us.

Getting closer to Bocas.

Arriving in Bocas.

We are staying a few blocks off the main street and this is the view from our 3rd storey condo.  We do have a view of the water along with a lot of other views.  Gotta love it!  

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