Wednesday, 12 February 2014

San Ignacio

Sunday we arrived in San Ignacio.  What a wonderful little town.  It is located on the  Macal River and is 10 miles to the Guatemalan border.  We loved it immediately and knew this was going to be a place for getting to know some of the people and have the freedom to do some walking on our own.  We rented a small cottage, from Eva, located about a 15 minute walk from the downtown.  She has quite a large lot with her home, the little cottage she rents out and her massage salon.   There are 2 dogs, 2 cats and her neighbours hen and 13 baby chicks running around the yard.  How much better can it get.  Each morning we sit out on the porch having our coffee and watch the fog burn off over the valley.  So peaceful.   Then the sun shines and the heat turns up for the day.

San Ignacio

Breakfast with the best Fry Jacks.
Walking street downtown San Ignacio

View of San Ignacio from our cottage.
Fog lifting and then the heat turns up.
Iguana in the tree by our cottage.


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