Monday, 24 February 2014

San Pedro on Ambergris Caye

Lorne, Karen, Fred & I arrived  by water taxi last Monday at San Pedro the main town on Ambergris Caye.  It is the most northerly and largest of the 200 cayes off the coast of Belize.  Our condo is about 3 miles north of San Pedro town with many restaurants along the beach.  It is quite a hike into town so we decided to rent bikes.  That was much faster but still quite a workout as we travel along the narrow beach path meeting other walkers and bikes.  The road north of San Pedro is very rough.  Our bikes with the baskets allow us to pick up our fruits and veggies, groceries and Belikins on our way home.
We have been enjoying the local cafés and bars which serve the traditional Belizean food and drinks. The town streets are busing with the local artists and craftsmen trying to sell their wares.  Saturday was BBQ day, you could smell that chicken from down the street.  We were told to try it, it was safe to eat, so we did and it was very good served with rice and beans and coleslaw.  We will for sure have to stop again for BBQ chicken.
Other than relaxing by the pool, heading out for our morning walks and biking into San Pedro, not a lot else is happening.
View from our condo each morning. need for a pumper truck.

 This is the highway to Mexico.

Workers on their way to work along the beach path.
More construction...lots of rebar is used.
Our path we walked each morning along the beach.

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