Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Amazing Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum is desert and mountain landscape, with fascinating sculpted like rocks, dunes and  Bedouin encampments.

We're off in a Toyota 4x4, sitting in the back of the truck.

Paulette and Marilyn checking out the sand.

The group walking in the sand.

The camels waiting to assist you if you need a ride.

Here they are saddled up and ready for the trek.

Off they go...sure hope they know where they are going as no one took water.

They arrived at the Bedouin camp.

Great morning to be at Wadi Rum...just starting to get quite warm.  Awesome to see!

Monday, 30 March 2015

Beautiful Petra

Petra is one of the new Seven Wonders of the World!  Rightfully so!

Petra, the ancient rose-red city of the Nebataens, Arabs who controlled the frankincense, trade routes of the region.  Petra was rediscovered in 1812, the neglected city, hidden deep in the rocky valleys of Wadi Musa (Moses' Valley) is the village that sprung up around Petra.

The sandstone city of Petra, has carved palaces, temples, tombs, storerooms and stables in the sandstone cliffs.

Obelisk Tomb - monument

The Siq - the ancient entrance to Petra.  A long, deep and narrow gorge of stunning natural beauty.

Entrance to the Siq with Henry's protection.

The narrow gorge through the Siq.

Treasury - the most impressive monument.  Just when you think you have seen all the dazzling sights in the Siq you come face-to-face with Al-Khazneh (The Treasury).  This monument serves as a tomb.

Our first glimps of the Treasury from the Siq.

The Treasury

Outer Siq - many tombs known as the street of Facades.

Donkeys ready to take you through the outer facade.

The Outer Facade

Camel ride anyone?

Beautiful colors on the tombs


On our way to the Monastery 

Monastery - a flight of 800 stairs cut into the rock takes you up the mountain to a beautifully carved Ad-Deir (Monastery).  Tomb, temple or both, the Deir used to be an important pilgrimage site.

Starting up the over 800 steps to the Monastery.

Looking back

The Monastery 

4 out of the 18 made it up to the Monastery.

The view from the top

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Leaving Israel, Crossing the Border into Jordan and Seeing Jerash

We crossed the border at the Jordan River/Sheikh Hussein Bridge crossing.  The border crossing went easily but it took about 2 hours.  Mohammed, our tour director, met us on the Jordanian side, he will be with us for the next 4 days.  We travelled to Jerash and began our tour.

Jerash is one of Jordan's major attractions of beautifully preserved Roman ruins.  Ex actions have been going on for approx. 90 years but it is estimated that 90% of the city is still unexcavated.  The ancient city had a population of 15,000 people.

Hadrian's Arch

Inside where they use to watch the Roman Army & Chariot Experience.

The Oval Plaza

The South Theatre

Bedouin Army men playing the bagpipes and drum.

Cardo Maximus: Main Street

Nymphaeum: Main Fountain

Steps leading to the Temple of Artemus

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Last Day in Jerusalem

Today we visited the churches east of the Old City of Jerusalem, where the land drops into the Kidron Valley and rises again up the slopes of the Mount of Olives.  At one time this site was covered with olive trees, thus it's name.  But the Romans chopped them down to assemble the war machines they used to destroy Jerusalem in ancient times.

The Church of the Pater Noster (meaning Our Father) is where Christ is said to have taught his follower's the Lord's Prayer.  Today, on the courtyard walls 'Our Father' is inscribed in 63  languages.

Outside court area

Inside the Church of the Pater Noster

The Mount of Olives is the site where Jesus took on the sins of the world, was arrested and later ascended to heaven.  Here you can wander through the old olive groves at Gethsemane and also take in the panoramic view of the Old City from the summit.  You also see more than four million archaeological remains in this area.  The terrain is very steep but well worth exploring.

View of Old Jerusalem and the Blocked Golden Gate entrance.  Legend tells that the Messiah will enter the Temple Courts through the Golden Gate opposite of the mountain.

The burial grounds 

The Church of the Ascension is the site where Jesus rose to heaven 40 days after his resurrection.

The Garden of Gethsemane is where Jesus prayed after the Last Supper before being betrayed by Judas.  The garden's olive trees, at least some of them, are old enough to have witness the betrayal.

Mary's Tomb

The Church of All Nations is sitting in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Inside they used stained glass, purple alabaster and put stars on the ceiling to simulate nighttime because it was evening when Jesus arrived to ask God why he had to suffer and die.

The Church of all Nations

Inside the church with a Mass service in progress.

A staircase descends to the crypt where Mary was buried and then taken to heaven at the site of the Church of Hagia Maria Zion or the Dorimition.  This is the site where Mary, mother of Jesus fell into eternal sleep.

Inside the church

The stair well to the crypt

The Virgin Mary in the crypt

King David's Tomb is on Mount Zion, known in ancient times as the Upper City in Jerusalem where the affluent lived.  There is controversy over this site as many believe King David was actually buried in the City of David.

King David's Tomb

Up the stairs from David's Tomb is the Coenaculum, where Jesus is supposed to have eaten The Passover meal or The Last Supper.  This is also where Jesus instructed his deciples on the basic points of Christianity.

The room in which the Last Supper was had.

The Church of St. Peter in Gallicanter is where Jesus was supposedly imprisoned by the High Priest Caiaphas.

The doors leading into the sanctuary.

Inside of the sanctuary 

Statue depicting Peter denying his master.  "Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice." 
(Luke 22:16)

Ein Karem is the village in the hill country of Judah where John the Baptist was born.  This Church of John the Baptist is built over the birthplace of St. John,it has beautiful paintings and decorated tiles. 

Fresco as you entered the Church of John the Baptist.

The alter

The site where John the Baptist was born.

Ascending along a steep hill, to the Church of Visitation, you are looking out over a beautiful valley.  The Church of Visitation is the site where John the Baptist's father had his summer home and here the Virgin Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth.

Inside of the church

Beautiful frescos in the church

Tonight was our farewell dinner, we said goodbye to 9 people not continuing with us to Jordan.  We will also say good bye to our Tour Director, Khalili, and our bus driver, Khamel. Tomorrow once the dropp us at the border.