Thursday, 5 March 2015

Sailing The San Blas for 3 Days

We had an early start on Friday as we were Alphonso's first pick up heading to the port for our sail trip.  We bumped, went around curves and climbed to the entrance of the Kuna  land in order to get to the port.  Once we reached the port we loaded our stuff into Gustopho's water taxi and off we went across the rough sea stopping to drop people off at the different islands and boats.  We were dropped off at Le Petit Poucet, where Jean - Pierre and Adriana were waiting for us.  They were a couple from France who left there 3 years ago, sailed across the Atlantic and now call the San Blas Islands home.  Their boat was a 20 m refurbished fishing boat beautifully redone with wood.

Back deck on the boat.

Kitchen and dining area.

Shower in our cabin.

We were anchored in between 4 islands, so Jean - Pierre took us in the dingy to the islands to hang out on them.  Some of the islands are inhabitated and some are not.  The only inhabitants on the islands are the Kuna Indians.  They own the islands and have total control of them since they got their independence from Panama over 60 years ago.  We were disappointed to see all the garbage on these beautiful white sand beaches.

Many boats anchored in this area.

Beautiful white sand beach.

Garbage on these beautiful islands.

Starfish in the waters off the beach.

Sunset on the island.

Kuna homes on the island.

Lobster fest.

Fred and I waiting to get into the lobster.

Jean - Pierre and Adraina...captain and first - mate of the Le Petit Poucet.  Adriana prepared great meals for us while on their sail boat.

Jean - Pierre letting Fred take over the sailing.

Fred checking the very up to date GPS equipment on the boat, making sure he is staying on course.

One of the Kuna islands we visited.

Sails on the Kuna wooden canoes.  They could really move.

A Kuna Indian paddling his wooden canoe with a load of coconuts heading to the village.

This was a great way to end our time in Panama.  

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