Thursday, 26 March 2015

Jerusalem and Old Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Israel's capital and as well as one of its holiest cities.  Jerusalem sits on the slopes of the biblical Mt Moriah, where according to the Old Testament Abraham offered his son Issac as a sacrifice. Jerusalem is divided into 3 parts:  the ancient walled Old City with its four quarters (Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Armenian); the Arab settlement of East Jerusalem; and the Israeli settlement in the New City or West Jerusalem.

Temple Mount is the most recognizable icon of the Middle East.  This open plaza was built over the biblical Mt Moriah, where Abraham offered his own son Isaac to God; also the location of Solomon's First Temple where the Ark of the Covenant was housed and the site of the Second Temple (home to the 'Holy of Holies', the sacred alter to which only high priests were permitted).  This site was handed over to the Muslim following the Six Day War in 1967 by the Israelis.

Temple Mount Court

Dome of the Rock with its gold plated dome and mosaic sides, is the centrepiece of the Temple Mount.

Dome of the Rock

Via Dolorosa, the way of the Cross is Christendom's most sacred route, from Pilate's Judgement Hall.  The path led us through the narrow alleys to the Old City of Jerusalem which commemorates tortured Jesus bearing his.

Station 1:  Jesus is condemned to death.

Station 2:  Jesus takes up the cross.

Station 3:  Jesus falls for the first time.

Station 4:  Jesus meets his mother.

Station 5:  Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the cross.

Station 6:  Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.

Station 7:  Jesus falls for the second time.

Station 8:  Jesus consoles the crying women of Jerusalem.

Station 9:  Jesus falls for the third time.

Station 10:  Jesus is stripped of his garments.

Station 11:  Jesus is nailed to the cross.

Station 12:  Crucifixion and death.

Station 13:  Jesus is taken down from the cross.

Station 14:  Jesus was laid in the the tomb.

The Resurrection is believed to have taken place at the site of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Christian Quarter.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the background and we did get there to see it.

The Western Wall or Wailing Wall,  the only remnant of Judaism's holiest shrine was built about 2000 years ago as a simple retaining wall, supporting the Temple Mount.  The area in front of the wall is an open - air synagogue :  the right side is open to women (must dress appropriate), and the left side is open to men (must wear a hat or kippa).  Prayers on slips of paper are stuffed into cracks in the wall and today can be sent by email also at .

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