The Church of the Pater Noster (meaning Our Father) is where Christ is said to have taught his follower's the Lord's Prayer. Today, on the courtyard walls 'Our Father' is inscribed in 63 languages.
Outside court area
The Mount of Olives is the site where Jesus took on the sins of the world, was arrested and later ascended to heaven. Here you can wander through the old olive groves at Gethsemane and also take in the panoramic view of the Old City from the summit. You also see more than four million archaeological remains in this area. The terrain is very steep but well worth exploring.
The Garden of Gethsemane is where Jesus prayed after the Last Supper before being betrayed by Judas. The garden's olive trees, at least some of them, are old enough to have witness the betrayal.
The Church of All Nations is sitting in the Garden of Gethsemane. Inside they used stained glass, purple alabaster and put stars on the ceiling to simulate nighttime because it was evening when Jesus arrived to ask God why he had to suffer and die.
The Church of all Nations
Inside the church with a Mass service in progress.
A staircase descends to the crypt where Mary was buried and then taken to heaven at the site of the Church of Hagia Maria Zion or the Dorimition. This is the site where Mary, mother of Jesus fell into eternal sleep.
King David's Tomb is on Mount Zion, known in ancient times as the Upper City in Jerusalem where the affluent lived. There is controversy over this site as many believe King David was actually buried in the City of David.
King David's Tomb
Up the stairs from David's Tomb is the Coenaculum, where Jesus is supposed to have eaten The Passover meal or The Last Supper. This is also where Jesus instructed his deciples on the basic points of Christianity.
The Church of St. Peter in Gallicanter is where Jesus was supposedly imprisoned by the High Priest Caiaphas.
Ein Karem is the village in the hill country of Judah where John the Baptist was born. This Church of John the Baptist is built over the birthplace of St. John,it has beautiful paintings and decorated tiles.
Ascending along a steep hill, to the Church of Visitation, you are looking out over a beautiful valley. The Church of Visitation is the site where John the Baptist's father had his summer home and here the Virgin Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth.
Tonight was our farewell dinner, we said goodbye to 9 people not continuing with us to Jordan. We will also say good bye to our Tour Director, Khalili, and our bus driver, Khamel. Tomorrow once the dropp us at the border.
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