Tuesday, 1 January 2013


Monday, we were in Amman, a city of 2.5 million people. We toured the city seeing the Citadell located on Amman's highest hill.  It is the excavated ruins of anUmayyad palace, a Byzantine basilica and the pillars of the Temple of Hercules.  From up top we had a great panaramic view of Amman.  It was easy to tell the old city from the new part.
We then drove downtown to see the King Hussein Mosque, in the centre of town.  This was the first mosque in Amman.  Then we went to see the King Abdullah Mosque which is very modern and can house up to 7000 worshippers.  If we had wanted to go in to the mosque, the girls would have had to cover our hair.  We just took pictures from outside.
Isam drove us through the new area of Amman where the more affluent people live.  The stores and homes are very impressive.  Homes in this area are worth 7 - 10 million dinar.  Don't think we will be buying property here.
Next stop was at the Amman Airport to drop Sacha off and say our goodbyes to her, as she left us to go visit Lexi in Kuwait.
Isam then wanted to take us to the Mall.  It was just like our malls, the stores were very American and so were the prices.  No shopping here.
We went out on the town for New Year's with Isam to see how the Jordanians celebrate.  We drove around in the new part and then walked around to find a cafe where we enjoyed a cup of nana tea and Isam enjoyed his water pipe.  We can't believe how many people smoke, older and younger people.  There were many people walking around to celebrate the New Year.  Then we drove to a town square where there were many people gathered (Isam thought about 5000 people were there) and wait for 12:00 and the fireworks (not so great only a few went off).  The traffic was unreal and at a standstill so many people got out of their cars to dance, sing and have fun on the street.  That was how the Jordanian's celebrate New Year's Eve.

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