Sunday, 6 January 2013


Fred and I are here in Bangkok with 10 million people.  We took the Airport Rail Link train to get to our hotel, after many questions asked we managed to get here.  Thai people have been very friendly and helpful. We walked around down the street near our hotel this afternoon working our way through the street in order   to across.  We are getting very brave and so far the motorbikes, cars and buses have stopped for us.  It seems we are taking our life in our hands in order to cross the street.  We didn't realize it but they drive on the left hand side of the road.
We met with Howard and Kitty this evening for supper.  We stayed at our hotel and they ordered many Thai dishes for us to try all tasting very delicious.  We had a good visit catching up on years past.  They stayed the night so that they could show us around on Saturday,  we were happy to have them join us.

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