Friday, 25 January 2013

Trang & The Wedding

Wednesday we left Krabi, at noon, along with Dave & Tim (Les's friends) heading for Trang for Les and Kanny's Wedding.  Can't believe we will get to take in a Thai wedding while we are here.  Fred and I have been joking, ever since Les invited us to the wedding, about being 'Wedding Crashers'.
We visited with Rhonda & Gail (Les's sisters from Manitoba), Howard & Kitty (Thailand), RJ & Claudia (China), Dave & Tim (Les's friends from Manitoba),            (Vietnam), & Les.  This was a very interesting group of people so a lot of interesting stories were shared.

Thursday, January 24, 2013, Wedding Day
We were up early to get ready and were down in the lobby by 8:00am with the other guests to begin the procession to the Buddhist Ceremony.  Rhonda & Gail (Les's sisters) led the procession, along with many other Thai ladies and myself carrying food gifts that would be offered to the monks.  This was where I just wanted to blend in and not really be seen.  The 'Wedding Crasher' was in the procession beside the sisters and in many of the pictures.  Fred is wondering why I was looking so important and having quite a chuckle, I just kept smiling not knowing why I was there either.  I'm sure Les and Kanny will wonder who this person (me) is when they look back at their video and pictures in years to come.  The joke was now really on me as I was a 'Wedding Crasher'.

The procession ended at Kanny' brother's house, where the ceremony was held.  We presented our food offerings leaving them on a table in the house and then went back outside.  The immediate family were the only ones to take part and witness the ceremony inside the house.  We did see pictures of the ceremony.  While the ceremony was being performed (approx. 1 hour) the rest of the guests were drinking and eating traditional Thai dishes.  After the ceremony Les & Kanny came out.  They were dressed in traditional Thai wedding attire.  She looked gorgeous in her red and gold dress and Les looked very handsome in his off white suit and red sash.  After many pictures they joined everyone for some food and drinks.  By about 1:00 we were all taken back to the hotel for a relaxing afternoon until supper at 5:30 pm.

We went down for the evening about 5:15.  Pictures were being taken as this is customary for the bride and groom to have a picture with all the guests.  The bride looked absolutely stunning in her white wedding dress and Les looked very handsome in his black tux (American attire).  This is common for the bride and groom and the guests to change their dress from the morning ceremony to the evening dinner.
We were seated at a table with 4 other couples that we knew, so that was good to have someone to visit with.  We were just trying to keep a low profile, but no such luck.  I was one of the ladies who received a corsage.  I'm quite sure "the wedding crasher" wore someone else's corsage.  The meal was traditional Thai dishes that were very good.  Howard and Kitty helped us out telling us what the dish was and how to eat it.  The drinks kept flowing and your glass was never empty.  The speeches took place during the meal and were translated for those of us not knowing Thai.  After that the bride and groom went around from table to table handing out the favours to each guest.  By 8:00 most of the Thai guests had left (we were told this is very usual) and the Canadian guests stayed on for awhile listening to  Karaoke and Les's music.  The evening ended early and we were very pleased to have been part of Les and Kanny's special day, a Thai wedding celebration.
Congratulations to  Les and Kanny, we wish them much love and happiness for many years to come.

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