Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Melk Abbey & Krems

Stopped in Melk where we had a guided tour of the town's baroque abbey.  Melk Abbey is a Benedictine Abbey, located above the town of Melk on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Danube River.  This monastery is in use today, with a school, famous library, the Abbey Church and a garden.

Entering the Abbey.

The area before entering the Abbey.

The long hallways, leading to rooms filled with...

replicated statues...

more statues...

mementos of famous people...

So much gold, unbelievably amazing!

A great view of the Danube River.

And beyond!

Inside the Abbey Church.

Beautiful frescoes...

The garden area.

After leaving Melk Abbey we made a stop at Krems , on the Danube River, which wasn't part of the tour but somewhere Paula had heard about and thought we might like to see.  We all agreed.
We got off the bus in 35 degree temps and began walking to find the Old Town.  We weren't having any  luck...except this guy and his little train just happened to be driving down the street so Paula asked for direction.  We were still quite a ways away.  Next thing we knew we agreed to pay him 6 euro each for a sightseeing tour of Krems.

Now really how hot could that little train be?  We found out...very hot!  He didn't have all the windows open so there was no cross breeze.  We knew then the ride wasn't worth the 6 euro but it probably was better then walking in that heat.

He took us through the old Town showing us and giving us a history lesson, but who was listening...we were trying to cool off with little comfort.

We stopped here for a quick run through the street...its amazing how quickly some people can shop!
On our return trip to our bus we had a lot of laughs but not worth the 6 euro.  

We all got back to the bus very hot and sweaty!  So happy to see Macek our driver, we knew it would be a more comfortable drive to Vienna.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

The Salt Mines & Eagle's Nest

We headed out of Salzburg through the Bavarian Alps along the Kings Lake-Ache to the mountain village of Berchtesgaden to begin our tour of the 490 year old salt mines that brought wealth to Bavaria and Salzburg.  The salt mine tour was quite interesting with a couple of fun slides to head down to the next level.  We had a good laugh doing this.  I'm sure Paulette has finger indents on both of her shoulders and bruises on her hips from me holding on so tight.

The whole group in traditional miners' clothes.

Check these miners out...would we make the cut?

Once the tour was over we went into the little town of Berchtesgarden for lunch and shopping.

Beautiful Berchtesgarden!

After lunch, we were on our way to Obersalzburg.

Beautiful scenery along the way.

Once we got to Obersalzburg, we took a smaller van ride along steep gorges with beautiful views of the Alps.

From the parking lot we walked through the tunnel to the gilded elevator (very impressive) to the Eagle's Nest, an alpine retreat built for Adolf Hitler's 50th Birthday.  And too think he didn't like heights!!!  Interesting to say the least!

The Eagle's Nest

Picture time on top of the Eagle's Nest!

Beautiful panoramic views from up on the Eagle's Nest!

On our return to Salzburg we stopped at a distillery to sample liqueurs made from alpine flowers.  Some were very good.

We had to finish that tray of shots before we could leave...I think we did it!

This was my favourite one so I bought to bring home.

A very enjoyable day!

Salzburg continued

Hohensalzburg Castle, the picturesque fortress on Monchaberg summit, is one of Europe's Medieval castles.

Took the funicular up to the fortress.

The view of Salzburg from the fortress.

More beauty from a different angle.

Stolperstein or Stumbling Blocks are memorial-stones.  The small brass plaques embedded in the cobblestone walk, in front of houses of which the residents (mostly Jewish) were murdered by the Nazis.  The plate has the name, date of birth and place (mostly a concentration camp) and date of death on them.

The Salzburg Cathedral is famous for its Italian style architecture and its role as the location of Mozart's baptism.

A wonderful place to wonder around in...again I wish I had more time here.

We met a friend of Gloria's, Hans, who lived here in Canada but has moved back to Austria near Salzburg.

Cheryl, Alice, Gloria, Paulette and I are ready to go to the Mozart Concert and Dinner!  We took a taxi to the 1200 year old St. Peter Stiftskeller, the oldest restaurant in Europe located in St. Peter's Abby.

Waiting to be seated.

We are seated and ready for our dinner and concert.  We enjoyed an evening of fine dining and music. We heard Mozart's masterpieces which were accompanied by two opera singers.  It was a very delightful evening.  Much enjoyed and so glad I took this in.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Salzburg, Austria

Beautiful scenery along the way to Salzburg, Austria.

Salzburg, one of Europe's most beautiful cities, is admired for its architecture and its magnificent setting.  The city lies on both sides of the Salzach River.  It's famed in the world of music as the birthplace of Mozart and filming of the Sound of Music in Salzburg and the surrounding area.

Old Town highlights are the many wrought-iron shop and inn signs, beautiful old courtyards, galleries,boutiques, workshops and cafes. It's a wonderful area to walk through the narrow medieval streets and courtyards and then stop to enjoy a coffee or lunch at one of the terraced cafes.

Wrought-iron signs on the buildings.

Schloss Mirabell Palace Gardensis of the baroque landscape design, with numerous terraces, marble statues and fountains.  This is also the location of some of The Sound of Music filming and is a UNESCO world heritage site.

Group picture in the gardens!

The pedestrian bridge crossing over the Salzach River to Old Town.  Look at all the love locks on the bridge!

Mozart's Birthplace #49 Getreidegasse in Salzburg is the house Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in on January 27, 1756.  Now it's a fascinating museum and exhibition hall displaying mementos of Mozart.

The Residenzplatz, one of Salzburg's largest squares.  This square is frequently used for concerts and celebrations such as public New Year's Eve parties and an excellent Christmas Market.

Neugebaude (New Building), in Residenzplatz, is the Archbishop's guesthouse.  It contains 35 bells that play tunes from Mozart's vast repertoire 3 times per day.

St. Peter's Church is Salzburg's oldest and most attractive churches.

In the Churchyard is an impressive burial ground surrounded on three sides by arcades and family tombs dating back to the 17th Century.