Entering the Abbey.
The long hallways, leading to rooms filled with...
replicated statues...
more statues...
mementos of famous people...
So much gold, unbelievably amazing!
A great view of the Danube River.
And beyond!
Inside the Abbey Church.
Beautiful frescoes...
The garden area.
After leaving Melk Abbey we made a stop at Krems , on the Danube River, which wasn't part of the tour but somewhere Paula had heard about and thought we might like to see. We all agreed.
We got off the bus in 35 degree temps and began walking to find the Old Town. We weren't having any luck...except this guy and his little train just happened to be driving down the street so Paula asked for direction. We were still quite a ways away. Next thing we knew we agreed to pay him 6 euro each for a sightseeing tour of Krems.
Now really how hot could that little train be? We found out...very hot! He didn't have all the windows open so there was no cross breeze. We knew then the ride wasn't worth the 6 euro but it probably was better then walking in that heat.
He took us through the old Town showing us and giving us a history lesson, but who was listening...we were trying to cool off with little comfort.
We stopped here for a quick run through the street...its amazing how quickly some people can shop!
On our return trip to our bus we had a lot of laughs but not worth the 6 euro.
We all got back to the bus very hot and sweaty! So happy to see Macek our driver, we knew it would be a more comfortable drive to Vienna.
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